Understanding life events to acquire healthier eating habits

Dutch Kidney Foundation

My role

As the project leader, I was responsible for the study set-up and execution, the analysis phase, and the results that we presented to the client. Together with one other senior researcher I conducted all the in-depth interviews.

Research methods

  • Diary
  • Interviews
  • Affinity Mapping
  • Fundamental Needs
  • Dilemmas


The Dutch eat way too much salt and in the long run this leads to kidney problems. The Dutch Kidney Foundation tries in many different ways to combat this unhealthy behavior, but also sees how difficult it is for people to change their eating behavior that they have been displaying for years. The Dutch Kidney Foundation therefore wondered during which life moments people are most receptive to changes in eating behavior and how they can respond to this.


We developed a framework based on the desk research and used it to review and cluster the data. In addition, we employed our own analysis methods, such as the Fundamental Needs and Dilemma analysis. We mapped out which needs and dilemmas play a role during life events and how best to respond to them using the right strategies, in terms of communication, interventions, information, and channels.

fig 1 eating behavior framework


Working in irregular shifts leads to unhealthy food regimes

1,3 Million people in the Netherlands work in the evening or night. This has a major impact on their eating behavior. It affects the biological clock, which changes the feeling of hunger, eating facilities like canteens and restaurants are often closed, fast food is often the only option for a warm meal. In addition, the social aspect of eating changes; few workers have breaks together with colleagues, and people do not share the same routine as their families. Grabbing a sandwich instead of a nutritious warm meal is often the result.

“25 years of working in shifts harmed my body.”

- respondent, 64

fig 2 example of theme


To immerse the team in the research insights and opportunity spaces, the results were presented in a narrative and visual way. Pictures, videos, and quotes of respondents gave first-hand impressions of the insights. The presentation was followed by a workshop in which we sharpened the opportunity spaces together with the client and created new solutions. The insights from this research helped the Dutch Kidney Foundation to give their annual campaign more focus and to stimulate even better the shift towards a Healthy Generation.